How To Be Truly Blessed

We work and work and work, to put food on the table, and to pay the bills. Because we like nice things, we consider all of the work worth it. But when we are older, and our days are numbered, how much will those things be worth? Have we traded our time, and our lives, for material things? Or have we spent our time focusing on the things that really matter?

Image courtesy of: adametrnal

“But seek the kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.” – Luke 12:31

Luke 12 contains key insights into how we are to live our lives, make the most of our time, and live a blessed life. All of the material things are ultimately not what matter. We can’t take any of that stuff with us anyway. The things that matter are things that money can’t buy. Things like peace of mind, contentment, overwhelming joy, love deeper than the ocean, these are the things that matter. And we receive these things when we seek the Lord. – (Luke 12:31)

Scripture tells us that when we seek the Lord with all of our heart, that we will find Him. – (Jeremiah 29:13) And when we find the Lord, we enter into relationship with Him. We are now in His inner circle. And the more time that we spend with Him, the more that He will reveal more to us. The more time that we spend with Him in the Word, in prayer, and in seeking Him, the closer that we will grow in our relationship with Him. And the more that God’s blessing will appear in our lives.

Need some peace? Seek the Lord. Need more love? Seek the Lord. Need more joy? Seek the Lord. Need a better job? Seek the Lord. Want a better marriage? Seek the Lord. All blessings in life can be found when we seek the Lord.

Let us seek the Lord today, with all our heart. I call you blessed.

Dear heavenly Father, thank you for your Word. Help us to gain wisdom and live to a higher standard. Help us to seek you first each and every day. Bless us with gifts that have eternal value. Surround us with people of faith who can help speak life and truth into us. Thank you for sending your Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross, that we might have life in You. Thank you for the blessings which we have received, and are about to receive, in Jesus mighty name, Amen.


Photo By adametrnal

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