
Hello my name is Matt. I am a husband, a father, a son, and a sinner saved by the grace of God.

I aim to seek God first every day. My morning routine is to grab a cup of coffee, my Bible, and my computer, and get to reading and writing.

Although this has been my routine for years, in 2018 I committed to moving my journals from my pen and paper to the web. That is how baptized and alive was born.

I don’t claim this site to be anything other than a publication of my daily walk with God.

If you are looking for complex biblical theory, or a forum to debate and cast stones on the accuracy of my scriptural interpretation, please proceed to another site.

I am not an ordained minster. I am simply a Christian who loves the Lord with all my heart.

I hope that my simple and straightforward reflections enhance your faith,  brighten your day, and draw you closer God.

Thank you for visiting Baptized an Alive. I don’t believe that it is by random chance that you are here, but that God brought you here for a reason.

I pray that while you are here, God gives you exactly what you need, fills you with love and goodness, and leaves you refreshed, restored, and renewed.

Before you bounce, please leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you!