Our life decisions are so often tied to and influenced by our perspective. There is a great saying that is full of wisdom is that “you can’t fly with the eagles when you are running with the chickens”. Think about the perspective of the eagle way up in the air, versus the chicken down on
Today’s scripture is so simple, yet so profound. When God gifts us and calls us, the Bible says those gifts and that calling are irrevocable. How can we add some context to this, let’s first look at what irrevocable means. Some synonyms are irreversible, unalterable, unchangeable, immutable, final, binding, permanent, carved in stone; Dictionary.com defines
God is Lord of all. God does not discriminate. That means He doesn’t care if you are Jew or Gentile, Lutheran, Baptist, Church of Christ, male or female, tall, short, young, old, white, brown, orange, or blue. God richly blesses ALL who call on Him. Image courtesy of: Leiduowen Scripture: “For there is no difference between
There is so much that we can focus on in life. We grow up, go to school, maybe even to college. Some people get their masters or doctors degrees studying some field to help prepare or advance in their career. And this education serves us well. It helps us know what to do so that
A very well-known preacher today Joel Osteen often uses the phrase “more than conquerors”. There are many other preachers who reference similar scriptures in their core message. They are often labeled prosperity preachers and receive much ridicule due to their successful ministries. And while I totally agree that there is more to the Bible than
Even when we seek the Lord and do our best to walk in His ways, we still are constantly being challenged with thoughts and temptations that are not of God. We are reminded in scripture that in this world there will be trouble. It can be something as simple as laziness, apathy, or lack of
What does this mean to be ruled by sin? It means we were slaves, and sin was our master. It ruled our lives. The enemy was in control. Many of us like to think that we are in control. The fact remains, when we are ruled by sin, we are not in control. Make no
Life happens. Good things happen, and bad things happen. And as a result, people are shaped and changed by these circumstances. A common saying is, “what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” While this might be true, it is not always true. Sometimes life changes us for the worse. It hardens us, steals our peace,
Against all odds, Abraham believed. He believed that God had the power to do what he had promised. He did not waiver when all of the circumstances that his earthly body could see. He did not waiver even though everything looked to be against him. Instead of believing in his circumstances, he was strengthened in
I was just talking yesterday with someone who was beating themselves up on the bad choices and mistakes they have made over the years. This is true for many, myself included, who can easily let our mistakes of the past occupy our mind and steal our joy. Maybe you’ve made a bad mistake at some