Month: February 2019

Being Organized And At Peace

Did you ever notice how organized Moses was? In Numbers, we see how he sets out to methodically organize the Israelites who have been out from under the Egyptian rule for 1 year and 1 month. Moses orders a census to count the numbers of men 20 years old or more and able to serve in

Connecting With Others

Connection with other people, knowing them, understanding what makes them tick, what motivates them, is the key to introducing others to a relationship with the Jesus Christ. In Acts 23 we can see how Paul uses this knowledge to defend himself so eloquently. They are there to accuse him, yet with a few simple words

Asking For Direction

In Acts 22 we read another amazing journey of the apostle Paul. When Paul comes to an encounter with Jesus resurrected, Paul asks, “who are you?’. When we he learns is it Jesus he asks, ‘what shall I do?” And Paul was given direction. In this case Paul is given life altering direction, and revelation. 

Kneeling In Love and Humility

Humility is such a wonderful trait, especially when it seems like one might have every reason in the flesh to be full of pride. In Acts chapter 20:36, we read that “When Paul had finished speaking, he knelt down with all of them and prayed.” We read again here in Acts 21 the acts of Paul

Living in God’s Grace

Wolves will come. Be on your guard. Seek God’s Will and be true to your calling. Make sure that it is God who is calling. Commit ourselves to the word of his grace. By this we are refreshed and renewed, and supplied. I commit you to God and to the Word of his grace. God is your

Making Good Choices

Life is full of choices. And one of the more difficult choices we have to make concerns those times in life when we feel like our lives have stalled and are not going anywhere. We feel like we are stuck and maybe even being held back. We find ourselves fighting the fight, hanging in there

Blood Sacrifices and Atonement

When we go back to the Old Testament, we see all kinds of laws and examples where blood sacrifices are made by killing animals and presenting them to God. And some people get confused by the Bible and these sacrifices, and how they relate from old scripture to the new. Why don’t we still perform

God, Idols, & Science

Paul addresses Areopagus in Athens, a group there who spent their time doing nothing but talking about and listening to the latest ideas. So they considered themselves smart, most likely. And as we read through Acts 17 we see that Paul acknowledges that they are very religious due to the fact that they have many