Ask, Seek, And Knock

As we talked about yesterday, as Christians we have the ultimate freedom. But do we also realize with God we have the ultimate Provider? When our heart is for the Lord, God is always there for us to provide exactly what we need. It’s very simple concept, but surprisingly difficult for some people to understand. But there is no need to over-complicate it. If there is something that we are seeking, needing, wanting from God, there are 3 things that we need to remember.

“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” – Luke 11:9

The 3 things that are mentioned in this scripture can be summarized by a simple 3 letter word. The word is “ASK”. What is beautiful about this Word is that it is also an acronym that we can use to help remember the 3 principles in today’s scripture.

(1) The first letter is “A” – this letter stands for “Ask”. This first word is super easy to remember because the acronym is “ask”, and the first word is also “ask”. And this verse at its core is teaching us that we need to ask God for the desires of our hearts. 

(2) The second letter is “S” – which stands for “Seek”. God loves us more than we could ever imagine, and wants us to seek him first so that He can bless us. – (Matthew 6:33)

(3) The third letter is “K” – which stands for “Knock”. Knock and the door will be opened to you. When we go to the neighbor’s house, we have to knock at the door, or ring the doorbell, if we want the neighbor to know that we are there and come to the door. Similarly, we have to do something when we arrive at God’s doorstep. We have to take action so that God can meet us where we are at and start working in our lives.

Sometimes I think we are too shy to ask God for the desires of our heart. But there is no need to be shy, or feel awkward about it. In this scripture, Jesus outlines very clearly what we are to do. We are to ask, seek, and knock.

If we seek the Lord first, and love him with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind, and all our strength, it’s amazing how super-simple principles like these break addictions, save relationships, renew marriages, and change lives.

Let us A-S-K God today!

Dear heavenly Father, thank you for your Word today. We seek you first Lord, and honor you first. We ask you today for the desires of our heart Lord. For you know our hearts. Purify us, and make us new. Fill us with your Holy Spirit. Help us to knock Lord, to take action so that you can begin to work in our lives. We know that all things are possible through You Lord. We want nothing more than to be close to you, and see you move. Give us rest and peace, and make us new, in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Image courtesy of: celine nadeau

Photo By celine nadeau

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