Walking in Love

Some days are better than others. And some days seemingly challenge us at every turn. We might start off the day just fine, and with the best of intentions. But then we run into others who seem to be determined to challenge our peace of mind, and our chance of having a good day.

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“And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.” – 2 John:6

No matter what kind of day that we are facing, no matter how we are feeling inside, God commands us to walk in love. That means when we may not be feeling the best, or when our emotions are high, and even when others are not walking in love. When Jesus was asked which of the commands were the most important, he answered to love God first and to love our neighbors as ourselves second. So if there is anything that we should take away from the bible, it should be these commands. When we are having trouble doing this, we should pray for peace, and for whatever it is that is inside of us that is not pure and holy to be washed clean and replaced with God’s love. While it is definitely not the easiest task, nevertheless, it is the truth, and the Word of God. Let us walk in love, in truth and in light. And when we struggle, let us give it all to God and lean on Him.

Dear heavenly Father, thank you for your Word today. Help us to respect your command, and to follow your command to walk in love. Help us to love our neighbors as ourselves, even when they ,don’t deserve our love or mercy. Let us be reminded that we too are sinners and receive God’s love and mercy each and every day. Guide our every step, our every thought, and our every word. Fill us with your goodness. Let your Holy spirit overflow in us. We give you all the honor and glory, in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Photo By Viewminder

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