Vision and Fishing

Having a clear vision and knowing where we are going can be a critical aspect of our achievement level and overall contentment. It becomes easy to be so uneasy when we have no idea where we are going. I was reminded this the other day when the battery in my phone died and I was unable to use my GPS to figure out where I was driving to. The address was stored on my phone, and I didn’t have a paper map in the car.

Image courtesy of: hiltonblackwell

“Then Jesus said to Simon, ‘Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men’.” – Luke 5:10

Jesus provided clear and concise and direction to his disciples, and he did it right from the start. He said that “From now on I will make you fishers of men.” A vision like this is short, sharp, visual, and easy to relate to if you are a fisherman like Simon (Peter). Jesus was the master at connecting with and relating to others.

Jesus was also exceptional at succeeding where others were failing. Jesus used such an act and opportunity to lay forth a vision after a successful day of fishing. Simon had fished hard all night without success (5:5). But Jesus led them to so many fish that their nets were breaking and boats were sinking.

As we dive into the new year, let’s make sure that we are setting a clear and compelling vision for not only for ourselves, but with those who are within our sphere of influence and calling. I call you blessed.

Dear heavenly Father, we give all honor and glory to you Lord. Thank you for your Word, and for revealing to us your ways that help us to live the life that You desire – a life that models the example that You sent for us through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Fill us with your Holy Spirit Lord now. And help us to be obedient to your will, and walk in Your ways. We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Photo By hiltonblackwell

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