When In Doubt
Ever been in a situation where you don’t know what to say, or what to do? This can be specially frustrating if we are used to normally having the answer, or at least being able to figure it out. And sometimes we just go through a time when nothing can curb our worry, relieve our pain, or soothe our sorrow. It can be overwhelming. What are we to do during times when we have no idea what to do?
Image courtesy of: marfis75
“”Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the heights above.” – Psalm 148:1
Instead of endlessly stressing ourselves out, and wearing ourselves down, let us praise God. Let us count it all joy. In all times and in all circumstances, let us praise the Lord. Let us seek his face, and praise His name. The Word says that nothing can stop God. And why would we think any different? After all, He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, of all things seen and unseen.
God wants us to turn to him in all circumstances, in both what we would consider good times and in bad. But when we feel lost – when we are lonely – when we are stressed – when the comforting by family and friends isn’t working – when nothing we do seems to help – this is when we absolutely must turn to God. This is when our faith can grow because where our ability ends, our faith begins. So let us always count it all joy, and…
When in Doubt – Praise It Out!
Dear heavenly Father, When we don’t know what to do, let us turn to you. We worship you Lord. We praise your holy name. I search for the words Lord, and sometimes I get tongue-tied. Sometimes I get lost. Sometimes I am not so effective. Sometimes I don’t put my best self forward. Help us Lord. Let us seek you first Lord, and put our trust in you. Let us fully surrender Lord, not to fulfill our will Lord, but yours. Let us hear from you Lord, and know the way in which we are to go. We praise you Lord, we praise you all the more. And we give you all the honor and glory in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
Image courtesy of: KOREphotos
Photo By marfis75