
Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect? It’s the idea that a butterfly flapping it’s wings in one part of the world could cause a hurricane in another. A similar concept is the domino effect, where one action triggers another, that triggers another. The central theme is “connectedness”, and understanding that our actions can have profound impacts on others whether we realize it or not.

Image courtesy of: Philippe Gillotte

“For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone.” – Romans 14:7

Today’s scripture reminds us that we are all connected. We are all children of God, and all member of the same body of Christ. As such, we should love our brothers and sisters as ourselves. We wouldn’t want our hand to stab ourselves in the leg, because that would hurt the same body. Instead, we should do things to help each other out and build each other up. The hand puts food into the mouth, that nourishes the body. And through this process we are healed. And if the hand were to die, it would affect the rest of the body. For none of us lives our lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone.

Whether or not you subscribe to the butterfly effect, the domino effect, or any other effect that man coins, let us not lose sight of the truth of the Word of God, that we are all connected, and every action that we take can have a significant impact in upon God’s beautiful creation, both in heaven and on earth. 

Dear heavenly Father, thank you for your wonderful Word today. Thank you for continued revelation, and love, and mercy, and grace. We seek you first Lord each and every day. Encourage us and give us endurance Lord to finish the race. Let your Holy spirit overflow in us. Refresh us. Restore us. Make us new. Create in me a clean heart Lord. Remove my pride. Remove my sin. Remove everything unclean Lord, and fill me up with You. Let your love flow through me like a river Lord, bubbling up from an eternal spring. Guide our every action, our every Word, our every thought. Give us the mind of Christ, in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Photo By Philippe Gillotte

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