God’s Living Will and Trust
A “will” is defined as “a legal declaration of a person’s wishes regarding the disposal of his or her property or estate after death”. It only goes into effect when someone dies. But when it does, it is legal, and binding. Nothing can be done to undo what has been set forth in the will.
Image courtesy of: blieusong
“”because a will is in force only when somebody has died; it never takes effect while the one who made it is living.” – Hebrews 9:11
When Jesus died on the cross, His Will was solidified on earth. Christ died in the flesh one time, and for all, to wash our sins clean, so that we could appear blameless and holy before God and so that we too could inherit the kingdom of God. And just as Christ died in the flesh, we too must die in the flesh and be reborn again as children of God. And at this point we are legally adopted into God’s family, and thereby heirs to His Will and to receive the inheritance that God has promised and all that He has authority over – which is in fact everything in heaven and on earth.
Therefore, let us die to the flesh, and accept God into our hearts and fully surrender to His rules and authority, so that we might become heirs to His kingdom and His eternal Promise. Let us die to ourselves so that as heirs of our heavenly Father, He can put His signet ring on our finger and His robe on our back, and He can welcome us home. Let us die to ourselves and to the flesh so that God can bless us on earth as in heaven in body, mind, and spirit, in all things seen and unseen. Let us die to ourselves and to our flesh, so that His Will for us might read like this:
God’s Will –> To: <Believer>, From: <the One who owns the heaven and the earth and everything in it> I hereby bequeath all the riches of my kingdom. Everything that I have is yours. All the land and all of the assets, all of the peace, all of the joy, all of the laughter, all of the love, all of the wisdom and understanding, all of this I give to you, my faithful, loyal, and humble servant with whom I am well pleased. You have run the race that was set before you, and you have finished strong even to the end when it was the most difficult struggle. You have done my Will, and therefore you are in my Will.
Let us first die to ourselves, and to our will, and surrender to His. Amen.
Dear heavenly Father, thank you for your Word today. We give you all the honor and glory and praise. Let us die to ourselves, to our flesh, to our will, and surrender to Yours. We seek you first Lord, and we honor you first. Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us, and shower us with all of your goodness. Wash us clean and make us new Lord. Let your light so shine in us that we bring others to know you Lord. Help us, strengthen us, encourage us. Deliver us from temptation and the attacks of the enemy. And help us to finish the race strong, and welcome us home Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.
Photo By blieusong