Being Still So God Can Win

Are you facing something in your life that seems a little heavy? Is the enemy against you? Maybe it is the enemy inside, anxiety, depression, bitterness, stress? I have good news – the Lord will fight for you! And there is no one you would rather have fighting your battles than the one who is always victorious! With Him there is peace and solutions to every problem that you might be facing. No problem is too big for our God!

Image courtesy of: prb10111 – awol

“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” – Ex. 14:14

The Lord will fight for us. We only need to be still. We need to be in the Lord’s Presence and let His power and His authority and His strength and His love and mercy rule our lives. We only need to repent, be baptized in Jesus name for the forgiveness of our sins and seek him with all our heart – (Acts 2:38).

Do you not know God? The promise is for you, your children, “and for all who are far off” – for whom the Lord our God will call – (Acts 2:39). Have you been far off, but feel like God might be calling you to His love and peace? Invite Jesus into your heart, make him your Lord and savior, and the promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit is for you! – (Acts 2:38)

Dear heavenly Father, we receive you into our hearts today. Let the power of the Holy Spirit come upon us and shine in and through us Lord, let your peace rest in us, let your love comfort us and let your joy overcome us. We receive your promise today Lord, and will wait for you to begin your good work in us. We will seek you first each and every day. Help us to remove ourselves in all of our stubbornness and imperfections from getting in the way of you Lord. We know that there is power in your name. We know that there is peace in your name. We know that there is healing in your name. We know that all good things are in your name. And we declare victory today over our enemies, through Jesus mighty name. Amen.


Photo By prb10111 – awol

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