Category: Daily Word

3 Keys To Clarity And Purpose

Looking for something new? Are you desiring a meaningful and impactful life? Not sure what to do? The book of Nehemiah is a great place to start. It gives us great insight on how to deal with any major changes in our lives. There are no miracles, no people healed, no rivers parted. There is


Ever been tongue-tied and not known what to say? Ever been caught off-guard and lost for Words? Wouldn’t it be nice to always have an answer ready for any question or situation that we might face in life? Image courtesy of: madamepsychosis Scripture: “But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will

God is Not A Vending Machine

God is not a vending machine… but there is a direct connection between those who seek Him, and those who are dispersed blessings in this life and beyond. Image courtesy of: bcostin Scripture: “this Ezra came up from Babylon. He was a teacher well versed in the Law of Moses, which the Lord, the God of

The Problem With Tightening Our Grip

Like sand in the palm of our hands, sometimes the tighter that we hold onto things the faster they slip through our fingers. For Star Wars fans out there, a similar parallel could be drawn to the words of Princess Leia who advises Governor Tarkin before her attempted execution, “The more you tighten your grip,

Sharing the Good News!

Isn’t it good to know that God our Father, the creator of the universe, the maker of the heaven and the earth and everything in it including you and me, loves us? He loves us so much that He sent His one and only son Jesus Christ to come live with us, to show us

God’s Word Changes Lives

God’s Word changes lives. Just like a seed in the ground, we may not get the immediate result that we want. But that doesn’t stop us from planting because we know that plants take time to germinate, and to grow. Fruit trees often take years before they bear any fruit. And the same is true

Drawing Closer To The Lord Through Fasting

Keto diet. It’s the new craze. There is a new diet created about every 6-12 months that seems to take center stage and get everyone’s attention. Before that it was the Paleo diet. I even remember a long time ago there was the grapefruit juice diet. Another trend I notice is that people are fasting