Guarding Our Miracles and Deliverance

When we first come to know Jesus Christ, the scales fall from our eyes and we finally see clearly. It’s like getting a new pair of glasses. Images are clearer. Colors are more vivid. This is how it is with God. This is how it is with knowing God and all of His wisdom, all of His peace, all of His understanding. God does an amazing miracle in our lives. God reveals himself to us. We can see what cannot be seen with human eyes, or touched with human hands. So how are we to respond to these miracles and this revelation from God?

Image courtesy of: jeffsmallwood

“Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.” – Deuteronomy 4:9

Like a candle in the wind, we have to “be careful” to guard the light and truth of God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ in our lives. If we are not careful, the memories of what God has done for us can get extinguished, or start to fade over time. The vivid can become a little blurry, and then murky, and then almost lost. And then we truly are lost, but we don’t know it. In the flesh all seems well. It seems that we are good. Life is going great. But we have to be careful to not lose sight of God. That is when the enemy can come in and wreck havoc. When we lose sight of God, that is where the downturn happens again in our lives. And when things go bad, when we are under attack and something bad has happened, we often find people who are disappointed that God has left us, are mad at God, or blame God. Even worse we sometimes begin to question His existence because we think He has not been there for us. But God is always there for us. Just like the poem “footprints” in the sand, God is with us and carries us through when we cannot walk another step.

So how do we stay connected to God? We can do this first and foremost by spending time in the Word daily, reading and letting God’s Word penetrate every part of us. We can do this by joining a good church and going to that church. But never let the church view come before God’s Word. Remember that the church is run by man, and man is not perfect so it will make mistakes. Keeping a God view keeps things in order. And worse case it is better to attend a different church than it is to leave the church altogether. We have to get around other Christians and spend time together. We have to be there for each other in the faith, pick each other up, cry together, pray together, celebrate together, and encourage each other. And after we pray it is important that we take time to be quiet, listen, watch, and expect God to move.

Let us never let the Word and our connection with God our Father fade. Guard it. Protect it. Cherish it. Just like someone who loses a spouse because they took them for granted, or a friend because they took them for granted. Hindsight can be a killer, especially when you see the life that you love and cherish driving away or in your rear view mirror as you drive away. Be careful, and watch ourselves closely. The devil loves nothing more than to steal, kill, and destroy. But we have a hedge of protection with God. And when we surround ourselves with others in the faith, we can support each other in our journey. Friends of faith can talk straight with us, leveraging God’s Word and truth, keep us on track and correct us when we are straying, and help stretch us to reach new levels. Choose your friends wisely. If we can’t save us from ourselves, maybe they can. Ask them to. A good brother and sister in will always lift you up and pray for you. There are few honors greater than praying for and helping a brother or sister in Christ.


Dear heavenly Father, thank you for this great Word. Help us be careful and to not let our faith fade. Refresh us and make us new every day. Draw us closer to You. Make us new. We give you all honor and glory, in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Today’s full reading: Deuteronomy 3,4; Mark 13

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