Let Us Hear and Answer The Call

When God sent Gabriel to tell Mary  that she was going to become pregnant, she asked “how could this be?” This was a totally reasonable question given that she was a virgin. This went against everything that she had learned about the conception of a child. It was beyond her understanding. But Mary responded perfectly to God’s calling. 

Scripture: “‘I am the Lord’s servant,’ Mary answered. ‘May your word to me be fulfilled.’ Then the angel left her. – Luke 1:38

Mary’s response is simple, beautiful, and perfect. Although it didn’t make sense on the surface, she responded with obedience and faith. She believes. How can Mary know how to respond? What does Mary know, or have faith in, that can help us in our faith?

  • God Does New Things – As far as she knew, this was something brand new, never happened before. That is just like God to do things that are brand new. These things can help strengthen our faith.
  • God verifies His Calling – Gabriel verified the information to be true and from God, by giving her details that allow her to confirm the information and discern it to be true. She does this through her visit with Elizabeth in Luke 1:36-45. And if we seek the Lord’s Will, He will reveal it to us in due time. He will send people, signs, and/or put it so heavy on our hearts and minds that we cannot ignore the thought, and His Word, and His Call.
  • Nothing is impossible with God – God can do what we think is impossible. He is not limited by our limitations.
  • God’s Ways Are Not Our Ways – Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, not by man. God created Adam from dirt. For this reason, we should not rely on our own understanding when God tries to do something in our lives. Rather we should trust God. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” – (Proverbs 3:5)
  • Respond to God in Praise – As soon as Mary verifies God’s calling for her, she responds with praise. – (Luke 1: 46-55). Zechariah had a nearly identical encounter with Gabriel, And Zechariah responds with praise as well. – (Luke 1:67-79). Let us honor God with worship and praise. Let us glorify His name. Let us not be silent, else we be replaced by a bunch of rocks. “If these became silent, even the stones will cry out.” – (Luke 19:40)

This just scratches the surface. There is so much that we can learn from the first chapter of Luke to build our faith. And it is the perfect model for how we should respond when we are called by God. When we are called, we can respond in faith too. We can respond with obedience, and say, “Let your Will be done.” And we can step forward in faith, into the future that God has planned for us.

Dear heavenly Father, thank you for your Word today. Let it build our faith Lord. Let it teach us how we can hear from you. Help us to discern your voice God, so that we are not deceived by the enemy, or ourselves. Let us honor you with praise God. Fill us with your Holy Spirit. Guide our every thought, our every word, our every step. Fill us with your love, and let our actions be worthy of your sacrifice. We seek you first, and give you all the honor and glory, in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Image courtesy of: sridgway

Photo By sridgway

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