Month: October 2018

How To Handle Really Big Problems

No matter what we are going through, whether it is a problem at home, in our relationships with our spouse, a difficult time at work, something with our health, or just having a hard time mentally for whatever reason, we have to remind ourselves that no problem is too big for our God. Instead of

Feedback – Part 1

Getting constructive feedback from reputable sources is an important part of our personal development, and key to reaching our potential. This often turns out to be more difficult than it would seem. Too often the process results in feedback that doesn’t actually make things better. Sometimes when we don’t do it well, it only strains

Repetition, Repetition, Repetition

There is something to be said for repetition. When we want to get good at something, a new skill, a new behavior, what do we do? We practice. As the old saying goes, “practice makes perfect”. As humans, most of us are not born with the natural ability to play a musical instrument or be

Stuff Happens

Everyone who is born of this earth, at one point or another, is going to face hardship. It’s a natural part of life. Stuff happens. During these times it can be difficult to know what to do. Emotions get in the way. We can get so sad, lost, or confused that we are not even


We all know the importance of communication. We know that it is foundational to our effectiveness at work, at home, and in every relationship that we have. And when we look at ways to improve communication, we often talk about how to improve our public speaking, our discussion points, and visual management. But one of

When In Doubt

Ever been in a situation where you don’t know what to say, or what to do?  This can be specially frustrating if we are used to normally having the answer, or at least being able to figure it out. And sometimes we just go through a time when nothing can curb our worry, relieve our

Show And Tell

There’s nothing better than someone who backs up their words with their actions. Everyone loves a great communicator, a great story-teller, and someone who can stir up emotion. But words without action mean nothing. Words without something to back them up are just a hollow promise. It’s just lip service. Image courtesy of: Thomas Hawk

Does God Keep Us From Being Attacked?

Being a believer doesn’t mean that all of our problems go away, and that we are never get attacked or confused. It’s really important to understand this. Many new believers think that since God is all powerful, that nothing bad is ever going to happen. And when bad things happen they can’t understand how a

Write it Down and Sign It

Have you ever been on a great team? Do you remember what it was like? Everyone looks out for everyone else. People actually care and take care of each other. People even tend to put their personal interests aside. Everyone works together for the benefit of the team. Everyone is clear on their role, what